Getting started¶
This package is intended to be used as a client library for when your application requires interacting with a GraphQL server.
Getting started is as simple as passing your GraphQL query to aiographql.client.GraphQLClient.query()
async def get_logged_in_username(token: str) -> GraphQLResponse:
client = GraphQLClient(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"},
return await client.query("query { viewer { login } }")
For more detailed examples on how to use the library, see Usage Examples.
The JS GraphQL plugin allows for easier working with GraphQL and also adds auto-complete during development.
Adding to your project¶
You can add the the package to your project by specifying a dependency to aiographql-client.
If you are using Poetry to manage your project, the following command should do the trick.
poetry add aiographql-client
When using pip you can do the following.
pip install aiographql-client